Single Gentlemen in the Swinger Lifestyle: Tips to Successful Experiences

This past weekend we hosted our first Club G orientation for single males in the lifestyle. As provided by most premiere lifestyle clubs, the Club G orientation dedicated to single males is useful in recognizing the unique role a single male plays in the lifestyle experience of couples (and groups). We do not want toContinue reading “Single Gentlemen in the Swinger Lifestyle: Tips to Successful Experiences”

Polyamory Versus Friends with Benefits and Swingers in the Lifestyle: Are They Different?

Forms of consensual non-monogamy can be seen as a spectrum based on level of emotional intimacy needs and desires.

Enhance Your Orgasm Game With These Three Tips

Sexual satisfaction occurs in three domains: biological, psychological, and social/context. Since none of us have exactly the same biology, psychology, or social contexts, it is impossible to address every possible aspect of most desired result of having sex (alone or with others) is the orgasm. However, we are going to define the orgasm, types ofContinue reading “Enhance Your Orgasm Game With These Three Tips”

Talking about sex? Use these 3 tips to enhance your sexual communication with your partner(s)

Do you sometimes wonder if you and your partner(s) are effectively communicating about your sexual desires and interests? How about that craving for more intimacy in your relationship(s) but talking about desires and interests are challenging? Wonder if you and your partner are good at sexual communication? Take the below quiz and find out. RankContinue reading “Talking about sex? Use these 3 tips to enhance your sexual communication with your partner(s)”

What’s the Difference Between Polyamory and Monogamous Relationships in the U.S.?

Polyamorist couple, Cinna and Beau Lewis, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa were highlighted in a article written by Emma McClatchey earlier this month (read article here). In the article, Cinna and Beau share their poly relationship experiences covering everything from dating logistics to transparent communication to sexual identity. Cinna describes polyamory as “really beautiful” andContinue reading “What’s the Difference Between Polyamory and Monogamous Relationships in the U.S.?”